About the blog:

Well, hello!
Thanks for stopping by to read my opinions about movies that I see. Some are older and most are new. Some I go to see in the theaters (both live performances and movies) and some I watch from the comfort of my own couch and even more, I will watch from the amazing Netflix app.
Of course, these will be my personal thoughts about the targeted item, however, it will give you an idea of whether it's a colossal waste of time or worth a shot!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane

IMDB: 5.6

Release Info: 6 September 2013
   Netflix 19 November 2018
Genre: Horror
Director: Jonathan Levine
Writer: Jacob Forman
Running Time: 90 minutes
Rating? R

A group of high-schoolers invite Mandy Lane, an innocent, desirable girl, to a weekend party on a secluded ranch. While the festivities rage on, the number of revealers begin to drop mysteriously.

I did not love Many Lane, which is fine, because I am not a boy! Was it an absolute piece of shit? No.  The trailer looked interesting and the plot seemed vague enough to give it a shot. Let's dig in, shall we?

What I DID LIKE about this movie:
  • The Twist at the end- Was the only thing that I really liked. I was not expecting it and I was rather pleased to have an ending that I couldn't see a mile away. 
What I DID NOT LIKE about this movie:
  • Direction and Casting- The characters are very one dimensional and the only thing that really gives them any depth is their sex. That's it. Boys and girls. Not even the main characters have well developed backgrounds or richness for the viewer to pick a side. At one point, I was just hoping the "killer" would just get it over with and blow up the whole ranch! Even the title character Mandy Lane, played by Amber Heard, was nothing special. She was pretty, that's it. Why was she worthy of the title? 
  • Writing/Editing- Yeah, this makes sense. Mandy is not friends with any of these people who ultimately invite her to a weekend party getaway at one of the boys family ranches AND SHE FREAKING GOES!?!? We clearly see that the objective is for one of the boys, and it seems that it's nebulous as to which one seeing as they are all on the list, one of them want to sleep with Mandy Lane, who is the "Mount Kilimanjaro" of high school girls. I would have liked to see some realistic ideas such as maybe she protested going, so one of her friends came along to make her feel better.
  • The Killers- SPOILER- So, in the end we realize that Mandy is the killer, well one of them. Quick recap- Mandy and her BF Boy Emmet were at a party the year before and at one point, Emmet convinces one of the jocky-rich-douchy kids to jump off of the roof to show his love for Mandy and he dies. Flash forward to now, Mandy is at this ranch and the killings start. We find out that Emmet is there and he's the main killer. I kept going back in my mind after the end trying to figure out why they were killing? THere's no obvious motivation. Just didn't get over the line for me.
It's a passable movie, but not great!

On a more personal note..... 
Had a pretty good day if I do say so myself. I was feeling pretty good about my hair and make-up before work, so selfie time! The kittens had a good dinner. (Jinx, Princess Isabella, Rocket J., Dexter Morgan and Lord Oliver). Finally, ended my night watching THIS MOVIE and doing a little art. 

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