About the blog:

Well, hello!
Thanks for stopping by to read my opinions about movies that I see. Some are older and most are new. Some I go to see in the theaters (both live performances and movies) and some I watch from the comfort of my own couch and even more, I will watch from the amazing Netflix app.
Of course, these will be my personal thoughts about the targeted item, however, it will give you an idea of whether it's a colossal waste of time or worth a shot!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Project Almanac

Release Info: Theatrical Debut 30 Jan 2015
Running Time: 106 Minutes
Staring:  Jonny Weston, Sofia Black-D'Elia, Sam Lerner, Allen Evangelists, etc.
Rating? PG-13

IMDB: 6.3 of 10
Rotten Tomatoes: Critics: 34% Audience: 47%
MY RATING: 4 of 10.

I am NOT a fan of shaky-cam style of filmmaking. I for one find myself getting angry that the motion is just too obviously shaky. Seriously, just pay someone to hold the camera still!!

This movie had great POTENTIAL to be amazing with the subject matter.  For me, there were way too many plot sidesteps that always lost me interest.

I'm gonna put on my old-woman hat and ask the real question that was going through my mind the whole time. WHERE WERE THEIR PARENTS? Seriously!!

So, yes, this is about a bunch of super-smart kids building a time machine with a Prius and a metric ton of car batteries. That being said, the first thing they say is that going back in time is not about money, but the first thing they do is go and win the lottery? Really? I guess so, since they are kids. They say they want to make a change to better mankind. What to they do? They go to a concert, skip school, pass failed tests, get a girlfriend, etc.

Just not enough to redeem this movie. 4 is the highest that I can go.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

American Sniper

Release Info: 16 Jan 2015
Running Time: 133 Minutes
Staring:  Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, etc.
Rating? R

IMDB: 7.4 of 10 Link
Rotten Tomatoes: Critics: 73% Audience: 86% Link

MY RATING: 8 of 10

I give the movie an 8. The MOVIE. Bradley Cooper does an amazing job of playing deceased Navy Seal Chris Kyle. This may be the single greatest role that I have ever seen him take on. The "war" scenes feel true and real and really show the "dirty" side of war to the masses who have never seen the military life. This movie was well written, well acted, and emotional. I can remember a few times sitting in the theater that I realized I was gripping the arms of my seat so hard that my fingertips were falling asleep.

I am not addressing any controversy surrounding Chris Kyle in this post. The man served his country and is due his reverence for doing so.